
Sunday, April 8, 2012

Hunger Games (The Movie) and the End of an Era

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Lulu aka the Roommate and I have been in our new place for almost a month now and we have turned into the Golden Girls. Actually that's a lie, the Golden Girls went out more than us. We are too young to be in bed by 10:30p on both Friday and Saturday nights every weekend.

 So last Friday I decided we needed to go out and do something. Our original plan was to go downtown to Big Whiskeys and grab an outdoor table and watch all of the girls stumbling in and out of Icon in their mini dresses and heels. Well those plans had to change when Lulu dropped the bomb on me that Icon closed. I was so sad to hear that. I had only been to Icon a couple of times because I have enough self esteem to not want to be rufied and grinded up on by randoms. I did; however, love to watch the people coming in and out of there. Last time Lulu and I did a people watching sesh there, we saw several people get arrested/ticketed for MIPs. We also saw a guy attempt to attack one of the Icon bouncers and it didn't go well for him. The bouncer won and the guy was arrested. He was so out of control that the police had to restrain him to the ground while they waited on a paddy wagon to show up to take him to jail. If that it is not a legitimately fun night than I don't know what is. But since Icon no longer exists, the plans had to change. 

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In attempt to bring me out of my depression Lulu decided we should go see the Hunger Games. It was actually a really good movie. It was very refreshing to see a movie follow the book and when they did add stuff to the movie that wasn't in the book, it actually contributed to the story. Since the book was written in Katniss's POV you got the insight of her thoughts. You can't do that with a movie so they had to add more stuff about the game makers and the making of the Hunger Games. It was good because it actually added a lot and made the movie better. I thought Jennifer Lawrence did a great job as Katniss. The best part about Katniss's physical appearance in the movie was her awesome side braid. It was a half french braid on each side that formed into a single side braid. Talk about awesome! 
I also liked Josh Hutcherson much more in the movie than in person. When I first looked at his picture and saw how short he was I really didn't know if he would be believable as Peeta but he really captured Peeta's charisma with the Capitol spectators. Liam Hemsworth as Gale was fine. His part in the movie was pretty small, as to be expected. I think Liam looks better in real life than he did in the movie because he tends to be a little scruffy. I was also super excited to see Katniss's Mom was Maureen from Sons of Anarchy. Totally made me more interested in the movie from the get go. I'm really looking forward to seeing the second movie. The second book was my least favorite out of the three but I'm looking forward to seeing if the things they add to the movie will make me like it better.

If you need a Hunger Games fix check out some movie and promo pictures here.

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