
Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Scarred for Life

When I was growing up one of my favorite movies was the new version of The Little Rascals. It's awesome. I loved this movie. The kids are dealing with grown up issues in child settings.  For example; Darla is hurt that her boyfriend Alfalfa won't introduce her to his friends or claim her in public. Hello, this happens to women all the time. If you don't believe me watch a rom com. Any rom com. Since I liked the movie so much I recorded it on the DVR when it was playing on Starz for my niece. Of course she loves it. The kid's got good taste. Now moving on to the point of this post; Alfalfa is the main character and he is played by Bug Hall. Check out the picture of him from his Rascal days. 
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Now fast forward to this past Friday night when I can't sleep. So I'm watching one of the American Pie franchise straight to DVD movies on MTV. As I'm watching the lead character, who looks oddly familiar, keeps getting himself in to all kinds of sexually orientated hi jinx. So finally I have to know figure how where I recognize this guy's face from so IMDB the movie. It's none other than Bug Hall. He's all grown up now and playing a high school kid desperate to lose his virginity and is doing weird things in the process to do so. Here he is all grown up (he's actually pretty cute) and with his costar, Beth Behrs, in the American Pie flick. (Yes, that is Caroline from 2 Broke Girls.)
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In the back of my mind I always new the kids from The Little Rascals would grow up but I thought like any good child star they'd fade into obscurity and blow their money on drugs and alcohol. I didn't expect to see my dearest Alfalfa throwing up on women, hooking up with grandmas, or any of the other various uncomfortable acts he did. Here he is in the movie throwing up/getting ready to throw up on a girl he is hooking up with.
Image courtesy of
Like I said my niece loves this movie and watches it quite a bit whenever she's over. Now every time that she does I see Alfalfa in a different light. Especially during his date with Darla and the whole sandwich thing. If you have seen the American Pie movie you know what I'm talking about. I just can't watch with the same care free innocence I did in my childhood. 

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