
Wednesday, February 29, 2012

St. Patrick's Day Race

I have never had St. Patrick's Day off before ever. Or even the weekend that it's celebrated on. I'm not a big holiday celebrator but I love to watch people drink and make fools of themselves. This year I have St. Patty's Day off and I will be doing a .102k race on St. Patrick's Day. That's right. It is from one end of the parking lot to the other. By participating you get a t-shirt, commemorative mug filled with green beer and an official racing number. I will be doing this with Lulu and The Slore. (I work with The Slore. He is interesting to say the least.)We are considering making this a really race because of the length of the race. We will be designing our own team t-shirts and complete with bedazzling. I will keep you updated on race plans and will make sure to post plenty of pictures. If you would like to check out more information on the event you can do so here.

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