
Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Moving Out

I am moving out of my parent's house and into a town home with Lulu this week. I am an excited and nervous wreck. I am excited to be on my own and be a real adult. Most of the time I now I feel like an adult trapped in a high schooler's reality. My parents are awesome and have never stopped me from doing what I want but there is a time to grow up and go out on your own. I'm excited to have the complete freedom of living on my own. Which is partially why I'm a bit nervous. I have to become a full functioning adult with responsibilities. Currently, the only responsibilities I have are getting to work on time and paying my student loans every month. All of that changes on Thursday. Now I have to add more responsibilities on to the couple I have now like rent, electricity, grocery shopping, etc. It's going to be a big step forward. It's what's best and it will be great for me but it doesn't mean I'm not anxious about it. Here's to putting on my big girl pants and not having a full on mental break down. 

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