
Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Alicia Silverstone's Method of Feeding Her Son

Image and article from NY Daily News
There's been a video floating around the internet of how Alicia Silverstone feeds her 10 month old son, Bear. She takes a bite of whatever she's feeding him, chews it up and then spits it directly into his mouth. I find all of this a little weird. I would have never have thought this of Cher from Clueless. I'm curious to know why she has to chew it up for him. Why can't she use a food processor or some other gizmo to turn the food to mush for him. She's got a net worth of $16 million so she can clearly afford it. I just don't understand why it has to be done this way. I get that maybe ancient man/woman did this for their child out of necessity but it's not necessary anymore so I don't even find that to be a valid justification. Now to the weirdest thing is her spitting the chewed food directly into her sons mouth. That's very strange. I just... hmph... don't even know how to begin. It sort of makes me think she's vomiting into his mouth. I think it wouldn't bother me so much less if she took it out of her mouth and placed it into is. Yes, birds do it this way but they don't have fingers and thumbs so they must spit the food into their babies mouths. 
Image courtesy of
Maybe she just spits it as a time saver. I don't know. It's all a little bizarre. But then again so's she and her extreme Vegan/hippie lifestyle. Now, I'm not knocking her being vegan at all. If people choose not to use animal by products then that's absolutely cool with me. It takes a lot of commitment to do so and I applaud Vegans for that. As an outsider looking in, she just seems to be a bit extreme. 

A question I do ponder is how long will she do this with him. I hope she won't be like the lady who is still breast feeding her 4 year old at the table when the child asks for milk.

*And yes, breast feeding is a little weird to me also. Feeding your child a fluid out of your body seems a bit strange to me. My extremely modern mind just can't wrap itself around that one. 

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