
Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Alicia Silverstone's Method of Feeding Her Son

Image and article from NY Daily News
There's been a video floating around the internet of how Alicia Silverstone feeds her 10 month old son, Bear. She takes a bite of whatever she's feeding him, chews it up and then spits it directly into his mouth. I find all of this a little weird. I would have never have thought this of Cher from Clueless. I'm curious to know why she has to chew it up for him. Why can't she use a food processor or some other gizmo to turn the food to mush for him. She's got a net worth of $16 million so she can clearly afford it. I just don't understand why it has to be done this way. I get that maybe ancient man/woman did this for their child out of necessity but it's not necessary anymore so I don't even find that to be a valid justification. Now to the weirdest thing is her spitting the chewed food directly into her sons mouth. That's very strange. I just... hmph... don't even know how to begin. It sort of makes me think she's vomiting into his mouth. I think it wouldn't bother me so much less if she took it out of her mouth and placed it into is. Yes, birds do it this way but they don't have fingers and thumbs so they must spit the food into their babies mouths. 
Image courtesy of
Maybe she just spits it as a time saver. I don't know. It's all a little bizarre. But then again so's she and her extreme Vegan/hippie lifestyle. Now, I'm not knocking her being vegan at all. If people choose not to use animal by products then that's absolutely cool with me. It takes a lot of commitment to do so and I applaud Vegans for that. As an outsider looking in, she just seems to be a bit extreme. 

A question I do ponder is how long will she do this with him. I hope she won't be like the lady who is still breast feeding her 4 year old at the table when the child asks for milk.

*And yes, breast feeding is a little weird to me also. Feeding your child a fluid out of your body seems a bit strange to me. My extremely modern mind just can't wrap itself around that one. 

The Hunger Games Part Dos

Image courtesy of wikipedia
So I finished the second book in the Hunger Games trilogy, Catching Fire. It was alright. I thought the first one was much better. This one seemed to be developing at a much, much slower pace. I found myself often skimming paragraphs to kind of skip ahead. I'm still curious enough to read the final book, Mockingjay. I'm not going into the third one super optimistic because I've been told it seems like the author just kind of lost her steam and ended it. I do plan to pick up Mockingjay tonight so that means I should be finished with it by Friday at the latest. I'll post my final thoughts about the trilogy once I'm done with the final book. 

Saturday, March 24, 2012

The Hunger Games

Image courtesy of
I had heard of the Hunger Games books back in the day but never had a desire to read them. They seemed a bit too young for me. I'm at the awkward middle age were young adult books are too young but adult books like romance novels, I'm not desperate enough to read yet. So with that I ignored the Hunger Games.  I've had lots of people tell me how awesome they are. Now that first movie came out today and the media blitz for it is everywhere I decided to give it some of my attention. I got the first book for cheap at a super giant store that I hate and finished it in two days. It was an easy read and a good book. I don't know if it will be one of those books that I choose to read again but I'm definitely intrigued enough to go out and buy and read the second installment, Catching Fire. Also, the movie made $68.3 million on Friday. It's the best opening ever for a non-sequel. 

Friday, March 23, 2012

Kim K Flour Bombed Awesomeness

Image courtesy of
Kim Kardashian was flour bombed at a red carpet event for her by an animal rights activist because Kim continues to wear fur despite PETA's requests to get her to stop. When I saw the pictures I couldn't help but giggle. Hehe. I do think it would have been so much better if the flour had been thrown on her while she was actually wearing fur. Either way it's still hilarious. 

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Potential Employers and Social Media

I just sped read an article on yahoo about potential employers asking job candidates to provide their user names and passwords to social media networks like facebook and twitter. I find that cray cray. I don't even understand how an employer would find that appropriate. What a huge invasion of privacy! I think it's one thing to view a candidates page but to access it is completely wrong. I do understand why an employer would at least want to see the social media you use. There are a lot of dumb people out there who post half naked pictures of themselves, drunk pictures of themselves, or for the love of God can never grasp the grammar or spelling of their native language. Seeing this could keep potential employers from hiring a bad person but it could also keep them from hiring the best candidate who just gets picture happy when they drink. The people who don't filter what they put out for the world to see probably have other problems. Personally, I would decline to give anyone my password to any of my social media outlets or my email addresses and I barely put anything up. The pictures on my facebook are of my nieces and trips I've taken. I only tweet on Twitter to give me breaks in the timeline so I know what I've read. I would find this to be a huge invasion of privacy and why would I want to work for an employer that asks that? Clearly our values do not match up and that may mean it's not a good fit. Plus for most positions you apply for you have already submitted an application, a cover letter, a resume, at least three references, gone through a background check and have possibly taken a drug test. You'd think 6 steps would be enough. I guess the moral of this story is to be careful of what you put out there (even though you should be anyways) and decide how much of your privacy you are willing to sacrifice for a job. 

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Team Hamm

As you know from my previous blog posts, I am a reality television junkie. The worse it is the better.  Now onto why I'm actually writing. 

Image courtesy of
In the news this week is Jon Hamm's opinions on Kim Kardashian and other famous reality people. The uproar began when he said this, "Whether it’s Paris Hilton or Kim Kardashian or whoever, stupidity is certainly celebrated.” He added, “Being a f-----g idiot is a valuable commodity in this culture because you’re rewarded significantly.” Kim fired off this "Calling someone who runs their own businesses, is a part of a successful TV show, produces, writes, designs and creates, ‘stupid,’ is, in my opinion, careless."

I disagree with her because people have successfully made millions off doing stupid things  whether it being their hair, clothes or behavior. Hello, look at the guys from Jackass. They've earned tons of money and notoriety by burning penis' into their flesh, shoving a matchbox car up their rectums, and taking paper cuts between their fingers, toes and the corners of their mouths. These guys were all on a successful TV show; in a successful movie franchise; wrote, designed, and created their own stunts; produced/directed the show/movies; and had their own lines of skateboards but we would all still call them stupid for things they did. It wouldn't be a "careless" comment, it would be an accurate one. Much like Jon's comments. Anybody who is willing to brand a penis on their butt multiple times is stupid. That stupidity did reward Bam Margera.  Kim became famous for hanging out with Paris Hilton and making a successful sex tape. While I'm sure she put hours of practice into her performance for that sex tape, she stumbled upon fame and fortune. She never earned the accolades other celebrities do through hard work, dedication, and tenacity. The entire Kardashian/Jenner clan has prospered off of Kim's promiscuity and Ray J's camera skills. They have made a name for themselves by pimping any product they can and by acting a fool on E! Paris Hilton became famous because of her last name, saying "That's hot." and by acting like a complete idiot on television. So clearly Jon has a point, whether Kim and other reality TV people want to accept and embrace it or not. 

Let Him Have His Right to Speak

Image courtesy of
As we all know I love me some celebrity gossip so there are several websites that I troll (Lainey Gossip is one of my favorites) at least daily. Mostly I just keep strolling if the celebrity is someone that does not interest me. Lately I've been seeing Kirk Cameron everywhere. Seriously, this guy has not been this popular since the 80s. On Piers Morgan Tonight Cameron gave his opinion on homosexuality and gay marriage. He said that homosexuality is unnatural and detrimental to society. Since saying that he has been by ripped numerous outlets and was even accused of delivering a hate speech. 

Now that you have the background of what's occurred I am going to give my opinion. While I do not condone, agree, and would argue what Cameron had to say is wrong, he has the right to say it. He was asked a question and gave his opinion. Albeit not a politically correct one. There are several things about this I find a little bit disturbing that have nothing to do with the his opinion. 

I don't like how he is being accused of giving a hate speech just because he gave an undesirable opinion about a touchy subject. He did no bashing, no droppings of the F word (the one British people use for cigarette,) nothing that would constitute being from a place of hate other than stating how he felt. If anything could be argued it came from a place of not accepting.

Another issue that I have is why he can't have an opinion that goes against the grain of the politically correct one. Why can't he say that he doesn't agree with homosexuality? Because it isn't the right or nice thing to say? Everybody has an opinion and it's not always going to be the one that society has deemed okay to express or to not express at all. 

Like I said I do not agree with Cameron's opinion but he has a right to say it just like the rest of us have the right to say anything (almost anything because you cannot shout fire when there isn't one) we choose. It was given to him just by being an American and being protected by the First Amendment. 

My opinion can be summed up by Evelyn Beatrice Hall's famous phrase, "I disagree with what you have to say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it."

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Moving Out

I am moving out of my parent's house and into a town home with Lulu this week. I am an excited and nervous wreck. I am excited to be on my own and be a real adult. Most of the time I now I feel like an adult trapped in a high schooler's reality. My parents are awesome and have never stopped me from doing what I want but there is a time to grow up and go out on your own. I'm excited to have the complete freedom of living on my own. Which is partially why I'm a bit nervous. I have to become a full functioning adult with responsibilities. Currently, the only responsibilities I have are getting to work on time and paying my student loans every month. All of that changes on Thursday. Now I have to add more responsibilities on to the couple I have now like rent, electricity, grocery shopping, etc. It's going to be a big step forward. It's what's best and it will be great for me but it doesn't mean I'm not anxious about it. Here's to putting on my big girl pants and not having a full on mental break down.