For Christmas this year I decided
to do homemade gifts for several family members. All of the things I
have made have been inspired by Pinterest. If you don't know what
Pinterest is google it. It will change your
life. Seriously. I really like the look of pictures on canvas but there
is no way in Hell that I'm paying $60 for an 8x10. When I know the
canvas cost $4 and the print cost less than $2. Anyways, Pinterest has
great tutorials on ways to get the same look doing
it yourself. My first attempt was horrible. It had nothing to do with
the tutorial I followed, that part was great here. It had
everything to do with the size and pictures I used and my utter lack of
patience. This method will give your pictures
a distressed look because no matter what you do some of the picture will
come off. I wouldn't recommend using pictures of children because they
tend to look like demon children. They end up missing part of an arm or
having a streak in their face or in my case
missing an entire eye. If you wanted to landscape pictures or pictures
of objects than this method would definitely be awesome. Another reason
this type didn't work for me is because I don't have the patience for
it. Patience was not a virtue I was blessed
with and it takes a lot of self control on my part to demonstrate it.
This is not the type of project that I can do so on. I didn't want to
take the time to peel of layer after layer after layer of the picture.
Plus, every time I did more of the picture came
of which led to more frustration on my apart. Then I tried this other
tutorial here. This one worked out much better for
me. I didn't put scrapbook paper on the sides because I used 11x14's
mostly for my picture canvas and so the paper would
have been too small. I also just like the look of painted canvas better.
Check out the pictues I have posted of this little art project below.
Those little girls are my two adorably awesome nieces. The other two are
pictures my oldest brother took while he
was stationed in Europe of Notre Dame and the Eiffel Tower. He's got
some pretty sick photographic skills.
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